Shariaa, Legal and Administrative Consultations
The firm provides Shariaa consultations in all fields of jurisprudence, judiciary, law and administration, besides the legal consultations as well as provision of advice to the client regarding the businesses they desire to conduct prior to commencement, in order to ensure the soundness of the legal position thereof. Our services includes provision of all legal studies and consultations in the field of economy, finance, investment, management, work, workers and providing alternatives for the business (rapid yield return), whether the business was inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or outside it, assisted in doing the above mentioned by our local and international relationships with foreign companies.
Our firm provides all administrative and executive consultations in medical services affairs, operation of dispensaries, hospitals and issuance of licenses according to the medical institutions law and the executive regulations for exercising the medical professions. Moreover, the firm provides consultations in the field of intellectual properties rights.